Journal of Network and Computer Applications Article accepted!
IEEE Access article accepted!
GRC paper accepted!

Energy Replenishment Strategies for Robot Swarms. Genki Miyauchi, Mohamed S. Talamali, Mengyao Liu, Lowie Deferme, Tom Van Eyck, Sam Michiels, Jessica Jayakumar, Alexandre Abadie, Geovane Fedrecheski, Martina Balbi, Said Alvarado-Marin, Felix Matzdorf, Julian Rau, Danny Hughes, Thomas Watteyne, Roderich Gross. German Robotics Conference (GRC), Nuremberg, Germany, 13-15 March 2025.
(second) ICRA paper accepted!
ICRA paper accepted!

CapBot: Enabling Battery-Free Swarm Robotics. Mengyao Liu, Lowie Deferme, Tom Van Eyck, Sam Michiels, Alexandre Abadie, Said Alvarado-Marin, Filip Maksimovic, Genki Miyauchi, Jessica Jayakumar, Mohamed S. Talamali, Thomas Watteyne, Roderich Gross, Danny Hughes. IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), Atlanta USA, 19–23 May, 2025.
SwarmIT fully functional!
Remote Attestation Over EDHOC!!
Paper accepted for presentation at IEEE AAMAS!

Ready, Bid, Go! On-Demand Delivery Using Fleets of Drones with Unknown, Heterogeneous Energy Storage Constraints. Mohamed S Talamali, Genki Miyauchi, Thomas Watteyne, Micael Couceiro, Roderich Gross. ACM International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), Detroit, MI, USA, 19-23 May 2025.