Berkeley’s OpenWSN Joint project with Prof. Xavier Vilajosana (UOC) Prof. Kris Pister (UC Berkeley) and the OpenWSN Community. The OpenWSN project is an open-source implementation of a fully standards-based protocol stack for capillary networks, rooted in the new IEEE802.15.4e Timeslotter Channel Hopping standard. IEEE802.15.4e, coupled with Internet-of-Things standards, such as 6LoWPAN, RPL…

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Discussions around the topic of effort around “IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4e” started as an IETF mailing list in February 2013. The mailing list rapidly grew [now 279 members!], indicating a real interest of the industrial and academic communities for this technology. The 6TiSCH group held a…

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H2020 F-Interop

F-Interop is revolutionizing the way interoperability events are conducted. We are building a cloud-based system which allows implementors to meet online to test their implementations against one another, verify compliance in a automated way, and verify the performance of their implementations on large scale testbeds. This significantly cuts down time-to-market for standards-based…

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SticAmSud PEACH Period: Jan 2016 – Dec 2017 Goal: In 2013, 85% of the peach production in the Mendoza region (Argentina) was lost because of frost. The goal of this project is to dramatically increase the predictability of frost events in peach orchards by using dense monitoring using low-power wireless mesh…

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Provide duly tested, benchmarked and certified Security & Trust solutions for large-scale IoT using upgraded FIRE large-scale IoT/Cloud testbeds properly-equipped for Security & Trust experimentations. The goals of the project are to (1) upgrade FIRE testbeds for supporting large-scale IoT Security & Trust experiments, (2) Provide experimented solutions for Secure…

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