WCNC paper accepted for presentation!
Happy Holidays from the AIO team!
GLOBECOM paper accepted for presentation!
SenSys demo accepted for presentation!
WF-IoT paper accepted for presentation!
WF-IoT paper accepted for presentation!
Mina Rady (INSA Lyon) is visiting!
Talk “Characterizing the Performance of Wi-Fi for Industrial Robotics” Mina Rady!!

We are pleased to have Dr. Mina Rady (INSA Lyon) give the following talk Wednesday 12-Jul-2023, 11-12 Inria Paris, A115 Title: Characterizing the Performance of Wi-Fi for Industrial Robotics Abstract: Wi-Fi is a standard off-the-shelf solution for industrial robotics. The IEEE 802.11ax amendment extends it to support the 6 GHz…
Talk “Modeling and Management of Rechargeable Batteries” by Dr. Ruben Milocco!!

Monday 15-May-2023, 2-3pm, Inria Paris, A215 Title: Modeling and Management of Rechargeable Batteries Abstract: Lithium technology has greatly expanded the applications of rechargeable batteries, which consist of hundreds of electrochemical cells requiring a management system. This talk introduces various aspects of battery management, including the electrochemical battery model, electromotive force,…