Monday 15-May-2023, 2-3pm, Inria Paris, A215
Title: Modeling and Management of Rechargeable Batteries
Abstract: Lithium technology has greatly expanded the applications of rechargeable batteries, which consist of hundreds of electrochemical cells requiring a management system. This talk introduces various aspects of battery management, including the electrochemical battery model, electromotive force, mass storage via diffusion, state of sharge (SoC), complete electrochemical model, capacity loss due to rate capability, safe operating area and envelope, state of health (SoH), fault detection and diagnosis, parameter identification (off-line and on-line), and on-line estimation of SoC and state of energy (SoE) using the Kalman filter. Additionally, the concept of a bank of cells as a sensor network is discussed.
Bio: Dr. Ruben Milocco is the Head of the Automatic Control and Systems Group at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Comahue. He is an accomplished consulting engineer specializing in battery management systems at Y-TEC (Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales, S.A – CONICET, Argentina).