Category: News
CPSBench IoTBench paper accepted!

[invited] IoTBench: Towards a Benchmark for Low-power Wireless Networking. Carlo Alberto Boano, Simon Duquennoy, Anna Forster, Omprakash Gnawali, Romain Jacob, Hyung-Sin Kim, Olaf Landsiedel, Ramona Marfievici, Luca Mottola, Gian Pietro Picco, Xavier Vilajosana, Thomas Watteyne, Marco Zimmerling. Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems (CPSBench), in conjunction with CPSWeek, Porto, Portugal,…
IEEE Wireless Days paper accepted!
Happy Holidays from the EVA team
WBAN presentation by Samaneh Movassaghi – 14 Dec 2017 10-11am – A120
Title Interference Mitigation and Self-Organization for coexistence of Multiple Wireless Body Area Networks Abstract Recent developments and technological advancements in wireless communication, MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) technology and integrated circuits has enabled low-power, intelligent, miniaturized, invasive/non-invasive micro and nano-technology sensor nodes strategically placed in or around the human body to be…