ACM CHANTS demo accepted!

Demo: SierraNet: Monitoring the Snow Pack in the Sierra Nevada. Keoma Brun-Laguna, Carlos Oroza, Ziran Zhang, Sami Malek, Thomas Watteyne, Steven Glaser.  ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS), 7 October 2016, New York, NY, USA.

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ACM CHANTS paper accepted!

(Not so) Intuitive Results from a Smart Agriculture Low-Power Wireless Mesh Deployment. Keoma Brun-Laguna, Ana Laura Diedrichs, Diego Dujovne, Rémy Léone, Xavier Vilajosana, Thomas Watteyne. ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS), 7 October 2016, New York, NY, USA.

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PIMRC paper accepted!

SOL: An End-to-end Solution for Real-World Remote Monitoring Systems. Keoma Brun-Laguna, Thomas Watteyne, Sami Malek, Ziran Zhang, Carlos Oroza, Steven Glaser, Branko Kerkez. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Valencia, Spain, 4-7 September 2016.

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