Remote Attestation Over EDHOC!!
Paper accepted for presentation at IEEE AAMAS!
Ready, Bid, Go! On-Demand Delivery Using Fleets of Drones with Unknown, Heterogeneous Energy Storage Constraints. Mohamed S Talamali, Genki Miyauchi, Thomas Watteyne, Micael Couceiro, Roderich Gross. ACM International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), Detroit, MI, USA, 19-23 May 2025.
Paper accepted for presentation at IEEE ICIN!
Paper accepted for presentation at IEEE ESAI!
Invited Talk by Edward Wang (MIT)
Inria Paris “Philippe Flajolet” room (AJ13) Monday 21-Oct-2024 11-12 also online: Title Software engineering and formal methods for improved chip design productivity Abstract Diverse applications from medical devices to machine learning demandspecialized chips for improved performance, energy efficiency and reliability. Despite over two decades of chip design activity, the…
Poster accepted for presentation at IEEE ANTS!
(Second!) SmartIoT paper accepted!
SmartIoT paper accepted for presentation!
Dixy: Transparent Payload Compression for Constrained Lossy Networks. Ichrak Kallala, Trifun Savić, Quentin Lampin, Marion Dumay, Stephane Coutant, Cedric Adjih, Paul Muhlethaler, Thomas Watteyne. IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT) 14-16, November 2024, Shenzhen, China.