Category: News
ISCC paper accepted for presentation!
ISCC paper accepted for presentation!
IEEE Access article accepted for publication!
LaBoMap Deployment!
Talk by Saadi Boudjit

Usage of UAVs in safety-critical scenarios: Routing and topologymaintenance concerns L2TI Lab, University Sorbonne Paris Nord, France Monday 11-Mar-2024, 2pm, A115 Abstract Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), aka Drones, were originally designed for military use. Recently, however, smaller and cheaper UAVs have become available due to recent technological advances such as…
NetRobiCS paper accepted for presentation!

Qrkey: Simply and Securely Controlling Swarm Robots. Alexandre Abadie, Malisa Vucinic, Diego Badillo, Said Alvarado-Marin, Filip Maksimovic, Thomas Watteyne. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Workshop on Networked Robotics and Communication Systems (NetRobiCS), , Vancouver, Canada, 20 May, 2024.
CrystalFreeIoT Paper accepted for presentation!

RobOTAP: Over-the-Air Programming of Robotic Swarms. Alexandre Abadie, Said Alvarado-Marin, Filip Maksimovic, Malisa Vucinic, Thomas Watteyne. Workshop on Crystal-Free/-Less Radio and System-based Research for IoT (CrystalFreeIoT), Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week (CPS-IoT Week), Hong Kong, 13-16 May 2024.
CrystalFreeIoT Paper accepted for presentation!

Demo: Simultaneous Localization and Clock Calibration for Crystal-Free Mote. Cheng Wang, Tengfei Chang, Said Alvarado-Marin, David Barnett, Filip Maksimovic, Thomas Watteyne, Kristofer Pister. Workshop on Crystal-Free/-Less Radio and System-based Research for IoT (CrystalFreeIoT), Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week (CPS-IoT Week), Hong Kong, 13-16 May 2024.
CrystalFreeIoT Paper accepted for presentation!

Inter-Cal: Inter-Oscillator Calibration for Crystal-free Mote-on-Chip. Yuanming Luo, Jie He, David Burnett, Filip Maksimovic, Thomas Watteyne, Kristofer SJ Pister, Tengfei Chang. Workshop on Crystal-Free/-Less Radio and System-based Research for IoT (CrystalFreeIoT), Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week (CPS-IoT Week), Hong Kong, 13-16 May 2024.